Weenect Insiders February 2023

Step inside the world of Weenect each month and discover content related to the Weenect community and life at our company, as well as first-hand contributions from experts and special reports from the



In this section you will find content prepared especially for you to join in with! On the programme: the question of the month, the best of your pet photos, and first-hand video accounts from within the community.

We answer your questions!

Question of the month

“When will Weenect be on the Apple Watch?”

This question comes up quite often, but it is important for our technical team to properly prioritise their tasks and guarantee a perfectly functional app before thinking about porting it to other devices. With the release of the Weenect XS, our team is very busy ensuring the best possible quality of the product. Nevertheless, the adaptation of the app for Apple Watch is noted in our projects and will surely see the light of day in the near future.


Company life

This section reveals the daily life of Weenect and the life of our employees through reports on the fairs in which we participate, our team buildings, reports on the various departments of the company, employee interviews and any significant news about our products.


In the Words of Experts

In this section, we take you to meet professionals from the world of pets and animals through field reports or via interviews with specialist experts such as veterinarians, animal trainers and pet store personnel. We also share useful content with you, such as special DIY projects and guides on topics relating to pets and animals.

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