a Japanese bobtail lying on the ground

Introducing the Japanese Bobtail

Find out everything you need to know about the Japanese Bobtail: its characteristics, its behaviour, its training and how much one costs.


The Japanese Bobtail, a symbol of luck and elegance

portrait of a japanese bobtail

The Japanese Bobtail stands out as an extraordinary breed, cherished not only in its native Japan but also around the world. Originating from the Land of the Rising Sun, this breed is renowned for its unique, pom-pom-like tail, which sets it apart from other felines. The Japanese Bobtail is a testament to elegance and grace, with a rich history that dates back centuries, often associated with good luck and prosperity.

These cats are known for their playful yet gentle nature, showcasing a perfect balance between activity and serenity. They are highly sociable creatures, thriving on interaction with humans and other pets alike. Despite their active disposition, they carry a calm demeanor, making them delightful companions. Owning a Japanese Bobtail brings a blend of joy and cultural heritage into your home, promising a pet that's both affectionate and visually striking.


This selection outlines the unique features of the Japanese Bobtail breed of cat.


The Japanese Bobtail is a medium-sized cat, standing about 10 inches tall and weighing between 5 and 10 pounds, known for its agile and graceful build.

Coat Length

Japanese Bobtails possess a medium-length coat that's soft and silky, requiring minimal grooming to maintain its luster.


While not classified as hypoallergenic, Japanese Bobtails tend to produce fewer allergens compared to some other breeds, making them a possible option for individuals with mild allergies.

Coat color

Japanese Bobtails boast a wide variety of coat colors, with calico (or "mi-ke" in Japanese) being the most traditional and celebrated, though they can come in almost any color and pattern.

Living environment

Japanese Bobtails are adaptable and can thrive in various living environments, from apartments to houses, as long as they have space to play and explore.


Known for their friendly and sociable nature, Japanese Bobtails get along well with children and other animals, making them excellent family pets.


Generally, Japanese Bobtails are a healthy breed with no predispositions to specific genetic conditions, contributing to their longevity and vivacity.


With their intelligent and inquisitive nature, Japanese Bobtails are relatively easy to train, responding well to positive reinforcement and enjoying interactive play sessions.

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The Japanese Bobtail, a charm of ancient folklore

The Japanese Bobtail is instantly recognizable by its unique, short tail that resembles a pom-pom. This characteristic tail, often compared to a rabbit's, sets it apart in the feline world.

Size and weight of the Japanese Bobtail

a japanese bobtail with tabby fur standing on a piece of furniture

The Japanese Bobtail is a medium-sized cat, elegantly proportioned with a lithe and muscular build. Males typically weigh between 7 to 10 pounds, while females are slightly lighter, ranging from 5 to 7 pounds.

Unlike many breeds, Japanese Bobtails mature slowly, reaching their full physical maturity around 3 to 4 years of age. Beyond their notable tail, they feature long, slender legs and a refined, angular face, embodying an air of aristocratic grace.

The Japanese Bobtail coat

a Japanese bobtail climbing a tree trunk

Coat length

The Japanese Bobtail boasts a medium-length coat that's soft to the touch, reflecting its elegant nature. This coat can come in both straight and slightly wavy varieties, giving some individuals a uniquely fluffy appearance. Despite its moderate length, the coat is surprisingly easy to care for, requiring only regular brushing to maintain its silky texture and minimize shedding.

Coat colour

The Japanese Bobtail's coat color palette is vast and vibrant, showcasing a range of patterns and hues that add to its allure. Traditionally, calico or "mi-ke" (comprising white, black, and red patches) is highly prized, symbolizing good luck. However, this breed can exhibit almost any color or pattern, including solid, tabby, and tortoiseshell, allowing for a diverse spectrum of beautiful Japanese Bobtail individuals.

Other characteristics of the Japanese Bobtail

a japanese bobtail kitty on the grass

Other physical characteristics

The Japanese Bobtail is not just known for its distinctive tail but also for its elegant and athletic physique. It walks with a graceful, high-stepping gait that reflects its energetic nature. The ears are large, set wide apart, and upright, contributing to their alert appearance. The body is medium in size but well-muscled, showing a refined bone structure that supports its agile movements.

The breed's muzzle is fairly broad for its size, giving it a soft, approachable look. Eyes are perhaps one of its most captivating features, being large, oval, and can come in shades of blue, green, or even odd-colored in some individuals. All these physical traits come together to define the unique appeal of the Japanese Bobtail.

a japanese bobtail grooming


Despite the medium-length of their coat, Japanese Bobtails do not require extensive grooming. A weekly brushing is generally sufficient to keep their coat in good condition, although during shedding seasons, the frequency may need to increase to manage loose hair.

Bathing should be an infrequent necessity, only as needed, using a cat-friendly shampoo. While Japanese Bobtails are proficient self-groomers, assisting with regular brushing can help minimize hairballs and maintain their coat's natural luster.


What is the temperament of the Japanese Bobtail?

The Japanese Bobtail is known for its energetic, friendly disposition. A delightful blend of playfulness and affection makes them ideal companions.

Japanese Bobtail sociability

two japanese bobtail playing friendly together

An endearing companion

The Japanese Bobtail thrives on interaction and companionship, making it an exceptionally sociable breed. Renowned for their affinity towards humans, they quickly form strong bonds with their owners, often shadowing them from room to room. Despite their playful nature, Japanese Bobtails equally cherish moments of cuddling, demonstrating a balanced preference for activity and relaxation.

They communicate with a range of charming vocalizations, from soft purrs to more pronounced meows, indicating their diverse expressive abilities. The presence of an attentive owner who can engage in play and offer the affection they seek is crucial for their well-being.

a lying japanese bobtail

A harmonious household member

Japanese Bobtails exhibit a serene and adaptable temperament, making them a perfect fit for families, including those with children, dogs, and other cats. Their sociable nature is complemented by an impressive patience and a non-aggressive demeanor.

When overwhelmed or in need of solitude, rather than displaying hostility, a Japanese Bobtail will simply seek a quiet retreat. This ability to coexist peacefully, combined with their gentle and playful character, underscores their role as harmonious household members, fostering an environment of mutual respect and affection.

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Living environment of the Japanese Bobtail

a japanese bobtail exploring

Perfectly adaptable companions

The Japanese Bobtail showcases remarkable adaptability, easily making itself at home in various settings, from cozy apartments to spacious houses. The presence of an attentive owner is more significant to this breed than the size of the living space. They thrive in environments where they can interact frequently with their human companions and have access to engaging activities.

Despite their adaptable nature, Japanese Bobtails do require enough space to explore and engage in playful activities, ensuring they remain stimulated and content. If you're worried about losing track of him, you can fit him with a GPS collar so you can track his movements and locate him if he escapes.

a japanese bobtail in his basket

An engaging environment

Japanese Bobtails are lively and intelligent, necessitating an environment that caters to their active and curious nature. Providing a range of stimulating toys and activities is crucial to channel their energy positively and prevent boredom, which can lead to mischief.

Interaction with their owners through play enhances their well-being significantly, fostering a deep bond. Ensuring they have quiet spaces to retreat and relax is equally important, allowing them to recharge in peace after a day filled with activity.

Training the Japanese Bobtail

a Japanese bobtail clawing at a tree

Education for a Japanese Bobtail should commence as early as kittenhood to establish positive behaviors and social skills. Training should be rooted in patience, positive reinforcement, and consistency, recognizing their sensitive and responsive nature. These cats respond well to training that incorporates play, making learning both enjoyable and effective.

This approach not only aids in mental stimulation but also helps in preventing undesirable behaviors by keeping them engaged and satisfied. Consistency in training from the onset ensures that good habits are ingrained, making the Japanese Bobtail a well-adjusted and sociable companion.


How to take care of the Japanese Bobtail ?

The Japanese Bobtail, with its playful and spirited character, is a remarkably resilient breed known for its robust health. This breed is fortunate not to be predisposed to many specific health problems, showcasing its hardiness.

Health of the Japanese Bobtail

a Japanese bobtail at the vet's who receives an injection

General health and potential concerns

The Japanese Bobtail generally enjoys robust health but they may be at risk for genetic conditions such as feline hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and polycystic kidney disease. Regular veterinary visits are crucial for keeping the Japanese Bobtail vaccinated against common feline diseases like feline calicivirus, panleukopenia (feline distemper), and rabies, ensuring a long and healthy life.

Routine care

To maintain the health and happiness of your Japanese Bobtail, routine veterinary check-ups are essential. Additionally, preventive care such as flea and worm treatments is vital. Attention to their dental health, claw trimming, and ear cleaning will further support their overall well-being. Regular brushing of their teeth can prevent dental disease, a common issue in cats, ensuring your Japanese Bobtail remains healthy and vibrant throughout its life.

Feeding the Japanese Bobtail

a portrait of a Japanese bobtail in black and white

Tailored nutrition for agile bodies

The Japanese Bobtail, with its lithe and muscular body, epitomizes agility and grace. A high-quality diet is essential to maintain its sleek physique and vibrant health. Opting for nutritionally rich kibble ensures the cat receives all necessary vitamins and minerals. Incorporating complementary foods, such as green vegetables with high water content, can augment the kibble, promoting hydration and supporting renal health.

Growth and diet adaptation

Japanese Bobtails grow at a moderate pace, reaching full maturity around 3 years of age. Their diet should be adjusted according to their growth phase to avoid overfeeding or underfeeding. Consistency in the brand of kibble helps maintain dietary stability, preventing gastrointestinal issues. Setting fixed feeding times helps regulate their metabolism and supports digestive health.

a Japanese bobtail surrounded by plants

Active lifestyle and dietary control

Despite their calm demeanor, Japanese Bobtails possess a playful spirit and enjoy engaging in physical activities. This breed may be prone to weight gain if their diet isn't managed properly or if they lack sufficient exercise.

Encouraging regular playtime and interactive games can stave off obesity and promote overall well-being. Owners should be proactive in involving their Japanese Bobtail in activities that stimulate both their mind and body, ensuring a balanced lifestyle.


How much does a Japanese Bobtail cost?

The Japanese Bobtail, a breed celebrated for its unique appearance and vibrant personality, is moderately available through breeders. It is important to consider a few factors before adoption.

Choosing the right Japanese Bobtail

a Japanese bobtail lying on a grey carpet

How to choose your Japanese Bobtail

Purebred Japanese Bobtails are often nurtured by dedicated breeders or specialized catteries. Prospective owners are encouraged to visit these places to witness firsthand the care and environment provided to the cats.

Such breeders should ideally be registered with the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF), Felis Britannica (FB), or The International Cat Association (TICA).

It's also important to ensure that health check-ups and DNA tests have been conducted on the kitten and its parents to identify potential hereditary health issues.

a Japanese bobtail kitten

The price of a Japanese Bobtail

The cost of acquiring a Japanese Bobtail kitten can vary widely, influenced by factors such as pedigree, breeder reputation, and whether the cat has show potential. Generally, prices for a kitten range from


, with variations based on lineage and other attributes. Opting for an adult cat from a rescue or adoption center might present a more cost-effective option.

Beyond the purchase price, owners should prepare for the ongoing expenses associated with cat ownership, including food, healthcare, and grooming. Annually, these costs can average between


, encompassing a commitment to the well-being of the cat throughout its lifespan.

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