an English Mastiff on a sofa

Introducing the English Mastiff

Find out everything you need to know about the English Mastiff: its characteristics, its behavior, its education, its price.

The English Mastiff

The English Mastiff, a gentle giant

an Englis Mastiff sitting

The English Mastiff originated in ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome. Known for their massive size and gentle temperament, they are admired worldwide. English Mastiffs excel in roles from guarding to loyal companionship.

These dogs are strong, brave, and excellent guardians. They are also deeply loyal and affectionate, forming strong family bonds. Whether for protection, companionship, or therapy, the English Mastiff is dependable and gentle, making them great family pets.


This section outlines the unique features of the English Mastiff.


The English Mastiff belongs to the working group, including guard and rescue dogs. They are known for their strength and protective nature.


The English Mastiff is a very large dog, with males standing 30-31 inches and weighing 160-230 pounds; females are 27.5-30 inches and weigh 120-170 pounds.

Coat length

English Mastiffs have a short, dense coat. Their fur is smooth and close-lying, requiring minimal grooming.

Coat color

The coat of an English Mastiff can vary. Dominant colors include fawn, apricot, and brindle, with possible shades within each color.

Living environment

English Mastiffs adapt well to both urban and rural environments but need space to move due to their size.


English Mastiffs are friendly and sociable. They are great with children and can get along well with other animals if properly socialized.


English Mastiffs are generally healthy but can be prone to allergies and joint diseases. Regular veterinary check-ups are important to monitor their health.


The English Mastiff is a gentle and patient breed. They are relatively easy to train with consistent, kind, and patient methods.

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Physical characteristics

The English Mastiff, the majestic guardian

The English Mastiff is an enormous, well-balanced dog with a short, dense fawn coat and a distinctive broadhead. Its large, expressive eyes give it a dignified and gentle appearance.

Size and weight of the English Mastiff

an English Mastiff on a leash

The English Mastiff is one of the largest dog breeds. Females typically stand between 27.5-30 inches and weigh 120-170 pounds, while males are between 30-31 inches and weigh 160-230 pounds. These dogs grow rapidly in their first few months, reaching their full size and weight by the age of 2-3 years.

The coat of the English Mastiff

portrait of an English Mastiff

Coat length

The English Mastiff has a short, dense, and smooth coat, requiring minimal grooming.

Coat color

The English Mastiff's coat comes in fawn, apricot, and brindle, with various shades within these colors.

an English Mastiff lit by the sun

Coat care

The English Mastiff's coat is easy to maintain. They shed moderately year-round, with more shedding during seasonal changes. Regular brushing and occasional baths are sufficient to keep their coat healthy.

Other characteristics of the English Mastiff

an English Mastiff in the water

Physical features

The English Mastiff is a balanced, well-proportioned dog. The head is broad and square, with a pronounced stop and a short muzzle. Their eyes are medium-sized, dark brown, and set wide apart, giving a gentle and dignified expression. The ears are small, V-shaped, and set high on the head, lying close to the cheeks. The body is massive and muscular, with a deep chest and a broad back, conveying strength and power.

Temperament & behavior

What is the temperament of the English Mastiff?

The English Mastiff is known for its loyalty, protection, and affection. They are gentle giants, easy to live with, and form strong bonds with their families.

English Mastiff category

an English Mastiff on snow

There are around 400 registered dog breeds, divided into 10 groups. The English Mastiff belongs to the working group, which includes guard dogs, rescue dogs, and draft dogs. Breeds in this group are known for their strength, endurance, and intelligence. The English Mastiff is particularly noted for its protective instincts, gentle nature, and loyalty, making it an excellent guard dog and companion.

Behavior of the English Mastiff

an English Mastiff looking

A Loyal and gentle companion

The English Mastiff is known for its calm and loyal nature. These dogs are extremely affectionate and form strong bonds with their owners. They thrive on companionship and need a present and attentive owner to develop well.

an English Mastiff being hugged by someone

Sociable and good with children

English Mastiffs are friendly and sociable dogs that get along well with humans. They make excellent companions for children due to their gentle and tolerant nature. Early socialization is important to ensure they develop good social skills and integrate well into family life.

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The English Mastiff's living environment

an English Mastiff on grass

Adapts well to various living situations

The English Mastiff can adapt to different living situations, including apartments, houses, urban, and rural environments. However, they require significant attention and companionship from their owners. It's essential to provide them with at least two walks daily, each lasting around half an hour.

Benefits from outdoor space

While adaptable, the English Mastiff benefits greatly from an outdoor environment where they can satisfy their curiosity and expend energy. Having access to a yard or open space allows them to explore and play freely, which is crucial for their overall well-being.

Training the English Mastiff

portrait of an English Mastiff tilting its head

Intelligent and eager to learn

The English Mastiff is intelligent and can learn quickly with the right training approach. They respond well to positive reinforcement techniques, such as praise and rewards. Given their size and strength, early training is crucial to ensure they are well-behaved adults. Using a GPS collar is recommended to prevent any potential losses or escapes.

an English Mastiff in profile

Excellent listening skills

English Mastiffs are known for their listening skills and loyalty. Their training should focus on consistency and patience, as they can be stubborn at times. Socialization from a young age is essential to help them develop good manners and interaction skills with other dogs and people. With proper training, English Mastiffs become obedient and reliable companions.

Health & nutrition

How to take care of the English Mastiff

The English Mastiff is generally healthy but requires daily care to prevent diseases and infections.

The health of the English Mastiff

an English Mastiff sticking out its tongue


English Mastiffs are robust but can suffer from hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia, and bloat. Their typical lifespan is 6 to 10 years.

an English Mastiff sitting on a sofa

Routine care

Regular vet visits are essential. Ensure they receive vaccinations, deworming, and parasite treatments as needed. Daily care includes brushing the coat, cleaning ears, dental care, and trimming nails. Be mindful of potential allergies. The English Mastiff is not hypoallergenic.

Feeding the English Mastiff

two English Mastiffs playing together

Daily requirements

The English Mastiff requires a balanced diet rich in proteins and vitamins to maintain its vitality and strength. Premium kibble designed for large breeds is recommended for a balanced foundation. Supplementing lean white and red meat can provide extra protein, but fats should be limited.

Breeding or adoption & cost

What does an English Mastiff cost?

The English Mastiff is a well-regarded breed with several breeders available. It's important to consider several factors before adopting.

How to choose your English Mastiff

an English Mastiff puppy looking at the camera

Finding the right breeder

Consider several factors before adopting an English Mastiff. Select a reputable breeder by visiting their premises to assess living conditions and dog behavior. Ensure the health of the puppy and its parents by seeking transparent health information. Your dog must be microchipped by 8 weeks old and registered on a database like Petlog or Animal Tracker. This is a legal requirement in Great Britain, with a potential

fine for non-compliance. Your vet can microchip your dog for a small fee, or any Blue Cross center will do it for free.

an English Mastiff sitting quietly on grass

The price of an English Mastiff

The cost of an English Mastiff can vary based on several factors, such as lineage, pedigree, the breeder's reputation, and the age of the dog. English Mastiff puppies typically cost between


Maintaining this breed also involves annual expenses, including veterinary fees and food, which amount to approximately


per year.

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