a Dogo Argentino lying on the grass raising its head

Introducing the Dogo Argentino

Find out everything you need to know about the Dogo Argentino: its characteristics, its behavior, its education, its price.

The Dogo Argentino

The Dogo Argentino, a fearless guardian

portrait of a Dogo Argentino

The Dogo Argentino is a breed of immense strength and bravery, originally hailing from Argentina. This breed was developed in the 1920s by Dr. Antonio Nores Martinez, who aimed to create a powerful hunting dog capable of taking down big game such as wild boar and pumas. Today, the Dogo Argentino is not only revered as a formidable hunting companion but also as a loyal and loving family pet.

Despite being a relatively new breed, the Dogo Argentino has quickly gained a reputation for its versatility and courage. It excels in various roles, from search and rescue missions to being a protective guardian for families. These dogs are highly valued for their intelligence, stamina, and fearlessness, making them suitable for numerous activities and environments.


This section outlines the unique features of the Dogo Argentino breed.


The Dogo Argentino belongs to the working dog group, known for strength and versatility in tasks like guarding, hunting, and rescuing. These dogs are typically brave and protective.


The Dogo Argentino is a large dog. They generally measure between 24 to 27 inches at the withers and typically weigh between 80 to 100 pounds.

Coat length

Dogo Argentinos have short, smooth coats. Their fur is dense and offers them adequate protection from the elements.

Coat color

While the coat color of dogs can vary, the Dogo Argentino is primarily white. Some dogs may have a small patch of black or dark color on the head, but pure white is the dominant and preferred color.

Living Environment

Dogo Argentinos adapt best to environments where they have plenty of space to move and exercise. They are well-suited for homes with large yards or rural settings.


Dogo Argentinos are generally friendly and sociable dogs. They are known for being loyal and affectionate towards their families, including children. They can get along with other animals if properly socialized from a young age.


Dogo Argentinos are generally healthy dogs. However, they can be predisposed to certain conditions like hip dysplasia and skin allergies.


The Dogo Argentino is a highly intelligent and confident breed, making them responsive to training. They are best trained with kindness and patience, and positive reinforcement methods work exceptionally well with them.

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Physical characteristics

The Dogo Argentino, a powerfully built hunter

The Dogo Argentino is a large, well-balanced, and muscular dog. With a striking white coat and a strong, athletic appearance, it is a commanding presence. Its face is characterized by a determined expression, with dark, alert eyes.

Size and weight of the Dogo Argentino

a Dogo Argentino lying with its head turned to the side

The Dogo Argentino is one of the larger dog breeds. Females typically measure between 24 and 25 inches, while males can reach up to 27 inches.

In terms of weight, female Dogo Argentinos weigh between 80 and 90 pounds, while males can weigh up to 100 pounds.

Dogo Argentinos grow relatively fast. Puppies can gain significant weight in their first few months, reaching close to their adult size and weight by the age of 18 months.

The coat of the Dogo Argentino

the head of a Dogo Argentin placed on the ground

Coat length

The Dogo Argentino has a short, smooth, and dense coat that lies close to the body.

Coat color

The Dogo Argentino's coat is predominantly white, with occasional small black or dark patches on the head.

a Dogo Argentino running in a field

Coat care

The Dogo Argentino's short coat requires minimal grooming. Weekly brushing is sufficient to keep it clean, and they shed minimally year-round. Bathing is needed every few months or as necessary.

Other characteristics of the Dogo Argentino

a Dogo Argentino cuddling a puppy in the grass

Physical features

The Dogo Argentino is a balanced, well-proportioned dog. Its broad head features a slightly rounded skull and powerful jaw. Dark, almond-shaped eyes give an alert expression. High-set ears can be cropped or left natural. The body is muscular and athletic, showcasing the breed's strength.

Temperament & behavior

What is the temperament of the Dogo Argentino?

The Dogo Argentino is known for its loyalty, protective nature, and affection towards its family.

Dogo Argentino category

a Dogo Argentino laying on the ground

There are currently around 400 breeds of dog, divided into 10 groups. Each group consists of breeds with shared characteristics.

The Dogo Argentino belongs to the working group, which includes dogs bred for tasks such as guarding, hunting, and rescuing. Examples include the Boxer, Rottweiler, and Great Dane. Dogs in this group are known for their strength, intelligence, and versatility. They are highly capable, loyal, and protective, making them excellent working dogs.

The primary role of the Dogo Argentino is that of a hunting and guard dog, showcasing remarkable instincts and intelligence.

Behavior of the Dogo Argentino

a Dogo Argentino in the middle of a road

A loyal guardian

The Dogo Argentino is a loyal and protective breed, known for its strong bond with its owner. These dogs are affectionate and demonstrate their love through close companionship. They thrive best with a present and attentive owner, as they need consistent interaction and engagement to develop well.

a Dogo Argentino in the forest

Sociable and affectionate

Dogo Argentinos are sociable and generous dogs. They get along well with humans and can be excellent companions for children due to their gentle and protective nature. Early socialization is crucial to ensure they develop good social skills and are comfortable around other people and animals.

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The Dogo Argentino's living environment

a Dogo Argentino with its head placed on the grass

Adaptable to various living situations

The Dogo Argentino can adapt to different living situations, including apartments, houses, urban, or rural environments. However, they require significant attention and interaction from their owners to thrive. It is recommended to take them for at least two walks a day, each lasting around 30 minutes.

Needs space to explore

While adaptable, the Dogo Argentino benefits greatly from an outdoor environment where it can satisfy its curiosity and expend energy. Access to a yard or nearby open space is ideal for allowing this energetic breed to run and play freely.

Training the Dogo Argentino

a Dogo Argentino with its tongue out

Intelligent and eager learner

The Dogo Argentino is an intelligent breed that learns quickly and responds well to training. Their superior intelligence allows them to grasp commands and routines with ease. Training should focus on clear communication, positive reinforcement, and consistency. Given their strength and determination, equipping them with a GPS collar is advisable to prevent losses or escapes.

a Dogo Argentino puppy

Strong listening skills

Dogo Argentinos have strong listening skills, making them highly trainable. They require early socialization and structured training to harness their natural instincts positively. These dogs thrive on praise and rewards, which reinforces their willingness to obey and please their owners.

Health & nutrition

How to take care of the Dogo Argentino

The Dogo Argentino is generally a healthy breed. Daily care is crucial to preserve their health, focusing on preventing diseases and infections.

The health of the Dogo Argentino

a Dogo Argentino being pet


The Dogo Argentino is generally robust and rarely prone to illnesses. However, they can be predisposed to certain health problems such as hip dysplasia, deafness, and skin allergies. Symptoms of these conditions may include lameness, hearing issues, and itching or redness. The typical lifespan of a Dogo Argentino is between 10 and 12 years.

portrait of a Dogo Argentino

Routine care

Regular veterinary care is essential throughout the life of a Dogo Argentino. This includes vaccinations, deworming, and parasite treatments as recommended by the vet. Daily care involves brushing their short coat, cleaning their ears, dental care, and nail trimming. Being aware of potential allergies and consulting a vet for appropriate recommendations is crucial. The Dogo Argentino is not a hypoallergenic breed.

Feeding the Dogo Argentino

a Dogo Argentino walking whilst being on a leash

Daily requirements

The Dogo Argentino requires a balanced diet to maintain vitality and strength. Ensure their diet is rich in proteins and vitamins. Premium kibble is recommended for a balanced foundation. For additional protein, supplement with lean white and red meat, while limiting fats.

Breeding or adoption & cost

What does a Dogo Argentino cost?

The Dogo Argentino is a well-regarded breed, and there are several breeders available. It's important to consider several factors before adopting.

How to choose your Dogo Argentino

a Dogo Argentino with its mouth open

Finding the right breeder

Before adopting a Dogo Argentino, there are some important points to consider. First and foremost, you need to check that the breeder is reputable. This means visiting the breeder's premises to assess the living conditions and behavior of the dogs. Responsible breeders will provide transparent information about the puppy's health and any genetic illnesses in its lineage.

Lastly, mandatory electronic identification, like microchipping, is not always mandated at the federal level in the United States for cats and dogs. But microchipping is widely acknowledged as a successful way to permanently identify pets and increase the possibility of reuniting lost pets with their owners, even in the absence of universal regulations. As a pet owner, it is advised to inform yourself about municipal laws to ensure the safety and wellbeing of your pet.

a Dogo Argentino on a leash

The price of a Dogo Argentino

The acquisition cost of a Dogo Argentino can vary based on several factors, such as lineage, pedigree, the breeder's reputation, and the age of the dog. Generally, Dogo Argentino puppies can range from


Additionally, maintaining this breed involves ongoing costs, including veterinary fees and food, which can amount to approximately



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