a Leonberger in a field

Introducing the Leonberger

Find out everything you need to know about the Leonberger: its characteristics, its behavior, its education, its price.

The Leonberger

The Leonberger, a gentle giant

portrait d'un leonberg

The Leonberger, originating from Leonberg, Germany, is a majestic breed developed in the mid-19th century by crossing Saint Bernards, Newfoundlands, and Pyrenean Mountain Dogs. Today, the Leonberger is admired worldwide for its impressive size and gentle nature. Brave and versatile, they excel in companionship, rescue work, and cart pulling. Known for their loyalty and affectionate nature, Leonbergers form strong bonds with their families and are sociable animals that display their affection openly, making them wonderful family pets.


This section outlines the unique features of the Leonberger breed.


The Leonberger belongs to the working group, known for guarding, rescue, and heavy-duty tasks. They are gentle and friendly.


Leonbergers are large dogs, with males 28-31.5 inches tall and females 25.5-29.5 inches, weighing 90-170 pounds.

Coat length

Leonbergers have a long, dense, water-resistant double coat.

Coat color

Their coats vary in lion-yellow, red, red-brown, and sand, often with a distinctive black mask.

Living environment

Leonbergers thrive in spacious environments, such as homes with large yards.


Leonbergers are sociable and friendly, great with children and other animals.


Generally healthy, Leonbergers can be prone to allergies and joint diseases like hip dysplasia.


Gentle and intelligent, Leonbergers are easy to train with patient and kind methods.

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Physical characteristics

The Leonberger, a majestic giant

Leonbergers are large, well-balanced dogs with a regal appearance. They have a dense, lion-colored coat and a distinctive black mask that adds to their noble look.

Size and weight of the Leonberger

a Leonberger on grass

The Leonberger is among the larger dog breeds. Females typically stand between 25.5 and 29.5 inches, while males reach 28 to 31.5 inches.

In terms of weight, female Leonbergers weigh between 90 and 140 pounds, whereas males can weigh up to 170 pounds.

Leonberger puppies grow rapidly, gaining substantial weight in their first few months. By the time they are 18 to 24 months old, they usually reach their full adult size and weight.

The coat of the Leonberger

portrait of a Leonberger in profile

Coat length

Leonbergers have a long, dense, water-resistant double coat that is slightly wavy, with feathering on the legs and tail.

Coat color

The Leonberger's coat colors include lion-yellow, red, red-brown, and sand, often with a distinctive black mask.

a young Leonberger sitting on a sofa

Coat care

Leonbergers shed moderately year-round and heavily during seasonal changes. They need regular brushing several times a week to manage shedding and prevent matting. Baths are necessary every three to four months to maintain cleanliness.

Other characteristics of the Leonberger

a Leoberger walking on grass

Physical features

The Leonberger is a balanced, well-proportioned dog. Its head is broad with a slightly domed forehead and dark brown, oval eyes that convey a friendly expression. The medium-sized ears are set high and hang close to the head. Its body is robust and muscular, with a deep chest and strong legs.

Temperament & behavior

What is the temperament of the Leonberger?

Leonbergers are loyal, affectionate, and protective, making them excellent family companions.

Leonberger category

two Leonbergers sitting on snow

With around 400 recognized dog breeds, the Leonberger belongs to the working group, which includes breeds like Saint Bernards and Newfoundlands. These breeds are strong, intelligent, and versatile, excelling in guarding and rescue roles. Leonbergers are gentle, docile, and protective, primarily serving as loyal family companions.

Behavior of the Leonberger

a Leonberger lying on the grass sticking out its tongue

Loyal and loving

Leonbergers are calm, affectionate, and devoted to their owners. They thrive on attention and form strong bonds with their families, needing a present and attentive owner for their well-being.

a Leonberger playing with a person

Sociable and gentle

Leonbergers are friendly and get along well with people and other animals. They are excellent with children due to their gentle nature. Early socialization is essential to nurture their friendliness and ensure they grow into well-adjusted adults.

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The Leonberger's living environment

a Leonberger lying on the grass looking happy

Adapts well to various settings

Leonbergers can adapt to different living situations, whether in an apartment, house, urban, or rural environment. However, they require a lot of attention from their owners to thrive. They need at least two walks a day, each lasting around 30 minutes.

Space to explore and expend energy

While adaptable, Leonbergers benefit greatly from an outdoor environment where they can satisfy their curiosity and expend energy. Having access to a yard or frequent trips to open spaces is ideal for their well-being.

Training the Leonberger

two Leonbergers playing together

Intelligent and eager to learn

Leonbergers are intelligent and eager to learn, making training relatively easy. Focus on communication and positive reinforcement. A GPS collar is recommended to prevent losses or escapes.

a Leonberger being cuddled by a person

Attentive and responsive

Leonbergers have excellent listening skills and respond well to consistent, structured training. Early socialization is crucial. They thrive with patient and gentle training methods, making them loyal and obedient companions.

Health & nutrition

How to take care of the Leonberger

Leonbergers are generally healthy but need daily care to stay well. Regular check-ups and proper hygiene help prevent diseases and infections.

The health of the Leonberger

a Leonberger lying on a sofa


Leonbergers usually have good health but can suffer from hip dysplasia, heart problems, and bloat. They typically live for 8 to 10 years.

grooming a Leonberger

Routine care

Regular vet visits for vaccinations, deworming, and parasite treatments are essential. Daily care includes brushing their coat, cleaning their ears, dental care, and nail trimming. Leonbergers are not hypoallergenic

Feeding the Leonberger

a Leonberger running on the grass

Daily requirements

Leonbergers need a balanced diet rich in proteins and vitamins to maintain their vitality and strength. Premium kibble designed for large breeds is recommended. Supplementing with lean white and red meat can provide additional protein, but it's important to limit fats.

Breeding or adoption & cost

What does a Leonberger cost?

The Leonberger is a well-regarded breed with several breeders available. It's important to consider several factors before adopting.

How to choose your Leonberger

a Leonberger puppy on a path in the forest

Finding the right breeder

Before adopting a Leonberger, there are some important points to consider. First and foremost, you need to check that the breeder is reputable. This means visiting the breeder's premises to assess the living conditions and behavior of the dogs. Responsible breeders will provide transparent information about the puppy's health and any genetic illnesses in its lineage.

Lastly, mandatory electronic identification, like microchipping, is not always mandated at the federal level in the United States for cats and dogs. But microchipping is widely acknowledged as a successful way to permanently identify pets and increase the possibility of reuniting lost pets with their owners, even in the absence of universal regulations. As a pet owner, it is advised to inform yourself about municipal laws to ensure the safety and wellbeing of your pet.

a Leonberger at the sea

The price of a Leonberger

A Leonberger puppy typically costs between


Annual maintenance, including veterinary fees and food, costs around


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