two Papillon Dogs on a table surrounded by flower pots

Introducing the Papillon Dog

Find out everything you need to know about the Papillon Dog: its characteristics, its behavior, its education, its price.

The Papillon Dog

The Papillon Dog, the butterfly-eared companion

a Papillon Dog on a red carpet

The Papillon Dog, named for its butterfly-shaped ears, has a rich history in Renaissance Europe and is one of the most adored small breeds today. Despite their size, Papillons are known for their bravery, intelligence, and versatility, excelling in agility, obedience, and as loyal companions.

Affectionate and sociable, Papillons form strong bonds with their owners and are always eager to interact with people and pets alike. Their lively, playful nature makes them a delightful addition to any family.


This section highlights the key features of the Papillon Dog breed.


Papillons belong to the Toy Group, known for small, companionable dogs with lively and friendly temperaments.


Standing 8 to 11 inches tall and weighing 5 to 10 pounds, Papillons are small yet sturdy dogs.

Coat length

Papillons have a long, fine coat that requires regular grooming to prevent tangles.

Coat color

Their coats are typically white with patches of black, red, sable, or brown, with varying patterns.

Living environment

Papillons adapt well to various living environments but thrive with attention and indoor play.


Papillons are friendly, sociable dogs that do well with children, other pets, and families.


Generally healthy, they may be prone to dental issues and patellar luxation.


Papillons are intelligent and easy to train, responding well to positive reinforcement.

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Physical characteristics

The Papillon Dog, the butterfly-eared beauty

Papillons are small, elegant dogs with distinctive butterfly-shaped ears. Their coat is usually white with patches of black, red, or brown, and their expressive dark eyes add charm to their appearance.

Size and weight of the Papillon Dog

a Papillon Dog on a table outside

Papillons are small, delicate dogs with females typically standing between 8 and 10 inches, while males can reach up to 11 inches at the shoulder. In terms of weight, females usually fall between 5 and 7 pounds, and males tend to weigh between 7 and 10 pounds. Despite their petite size, Papillons are known for their agility and graceful movement. They typically reach their full adult size and weight by 9 to 12 months of age, making them quick developers compared to larger breeds.

The coat of the Papillon Dog

a Papillon Dog on a pile of dead leaves

Coat length

Papillons have a long, silky coat that is straight and fine, enhancing their elegant appearance. The coat features luxurious fringes, particularly around their distinctive butterfly-shaped ears, chest, and legs, which gives them a refined, graceful look.

Coat color

Papillons typically have a predominantly white coat, complemented by patches of black, red, sable, or brown. These colored patches can vary in size and distribution, making each dog’s appearance unique.

a Papillon Dog at the groomer's, being dried

Coat care

Papillons require regular brushing a few times a week to prevent tangles and maintain their coat's silky texture. Special attention should be given to their fringes, which can easily mat if neglected. They shed moderately, with heavier shedding occurring during seasonal changes, so extra brushing may be needed during these periods. Bathing is recommended only occasionally to preserve the natural oils in their coat, helping to maintain its softness and shine.

Other characteristics of the Papillon Dog

a long-haired Papillon Dog on the grass

Physical features

The Papillon Dog is a well-proportioned breed with a small, rounded head and a tapered muzzle. Their round, dark eyes are expressive and lively. The butterfly-shaped ears, set high on the head, are their most distinctive feature. The body is compact and graceful, with well-developed musculature.

Temperament & behavior

What is the temperament of the Papillon Dog?

Papillons are lively, affectionate, and intelligent, forming close bonds with their families.

Papillon Dog category

two Papillon Dogs in a lavender field

Out of approximately 400 dog breeds classified into 10 groups, the Papillon belongs to the Toy Group, which consists of small, friendly companion dogs such as Chihuahuas and Pomeranians. Papillons are renowned for their intelligence, agility, and affectionate nature. These traits make them not only ideal pets but also excellent competitors in canine sports like agility and obedience, further enhancing their reputation as adaptable and loving companions.

Behavior of the Papillon Dog

a Papillon Dog licking the cheek of another butterfly spaniel happily

Lively and devoted

Papillons are full of energy and love to play, making them a lively addition to any home. They are deeply affectionate and form strong, lasting bonds with their owners. These dogs thrive in environments where they receive plenty of attention and enjoy being involved in everyday activities. Papillons are happiest when they can be close to their loved ones and participate in family life.

a Papillon Dog running to catch a ball that its owner threw to him

Sociable and friendly

Papillons are naturally sociable and enjoy interacting with people, including children and other pets. Their friendly and outgoing nature makes them great companions in a variety of settings. However, early socialization is essential to help them develop into confident, well-mannered adults. With the right exposure, Papillons can easily adapt to new environments and get along well with other animals and strangers.

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The Papillon Dog's living environment

a Papillon Dog resting on a tree

Adaptable and attentive

Papillons are highly adaptable and can thrive in various living situations, from apartments to larger homes, as long as they receive plenty of attention from their owners. They do well in both urban and rural settings but need daily mental and physical stimulation to stay happy. Regular walks of 20-30 minutes are recommended to keep them active and engaged. These walks also provide an opportunity for bonding and prevent boredom.

Outdoor explorer

Although Papillons can adapt to indoor living, they thrive when given access to outdoor spaces where they can explore and satisfy their curiosity. They enjoy running around in a secure yard or park, which allows them to expend their energy and stay healthy. Regular outdoor activity not only keeps them fit but also mentally stimulated, making them happier and more well-adjusted companions.

Training the Papillon Dog

a Papillon Dog licking his/her owner’s finger

Quick learners

Papillons are intelligent and quick learners, responding well to positive reinforcement like praise and treats. Their eagerness to please makes them ideal for obedience and agility training. Given their adventurous spirit, a GPS collar is recommended to prevent escapes during outdoor activities.

a Papillon Dog who opens its mouth towards what his/her owner hands him

Attentive and responsive

Papillons are attentive and responsive to training but require consistent and gentle guidance due to their energetic nature. Patience and kindness help them stay focused, allowing them to excel in both basic obedience and more advanced tasks.

Health & nutrition

How to take care of the Papillon Dog

Papillons are generally healthy but require daily care, including regular grooming, proper nutrition, and attention to their specific needs.

The health of the Papillon Dog

a Papillon Dog under a duvet


Papillons are generally healthy but may be prone to issues such as patellar luxation, dental problems from tartar buildup, and progressive retinal atrophy (PRA), which can cause vision loss. With proper care, Papillons have a lifespan of 12 to 15 years.

a Papillon Dog sitting on a yellow cushion

Routine care

Regular vet check-ups, vaccinations, and flea treatments are essential for maintaining Papillon health. Daily care includes brushing their coat, cleaning their ears, maintaining good dental hygiene, and trimming their nails. Although not hypoallergenic, proper grooming helps minimize allergens and keeps them comfortable.

Feeding the Papillon Dog

a Papillon Dog eating kibble from its bowl

Daily requirements

Papillons need a balanced diet rich in protein and vitamins to support their active nature. Premium small-breed kibble is ideal, and lean meats like chicken can be added occasionally while limiting fats to prevent weight gain. Monitoring portion sizes and ensuring fresh water is always available is essential for their health.

Breeding or adoption & cost

What does a Papillon Dog cost?

The Papillon Dog is a popular breed with several reputable breeders. It's important to consider several factors before adopting.

How to choose your Papillon Dog

a Papillon Dog with its hair in the wind

Finding the right breeder

Before adopting a Papillon Dog, there are some important points to consider. First and foremost, you need to check that the breeder is reputable. This means visiting the breeder's premises to assess the living conditions and behavior of the dogs. Responsible breeders will provide transparent information about the puppy's health and any genetic illnesses in its lineage.

Lastly, mandatory electronic identification, like microchipping, is not always mandated at the federal level in the United States for cats and dogs. But microchipping is widely acknowledged as a successful way to permanently identify pets and increase the possibility of reuniting lost pets with their owners, even in the absence of universal regulations. As a pet owner, it is advised to inform yourself about municipal laws to ensure the safety and wellbeing of your pet.

a Papillon Dog lying on the grass sticking its tongue out

The price of a Papillon Dog

Papillon puppies generally cost between


, depending on factors like lineage and breeder reputation. Puppies from champion lines may be more expensive. Annual costs for maintaining a Papillon, including vet care, food, and grooming, typically range from


, ensuring your dog stays healthy and happy.

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