a Peruvian Hairless Dog on its paws

Introducing the Peruvian Hairless Dog

Discover the Peruvian Hairless Dog: its traits, behavior, training, and cost.

The Peruvian Hairless Dog

The Peruvian Hairless Dog, an ancient and unique breed

a Peruvian Hairless Dog sitting

Originating in ancient Peru, the Peruvian Hairless Dog is loved for its hairless appearance, intelligence, and loyalty. Once used for hunting, they now excel in sports and therapy roles. Affectionate and protective, they bond deeply with their families, making them easy to train and great watchdogs.


This section highlights the unique features of the Peruvian Hairless Dog.


The Peruvian Hairless Dog belongs to the primitive group, known for its loyalty and adaptability.


They range from 10 to 25 inches in height and weigh between 9 to 55 pounds.

Coat length

The breed has little to no fur, with smooth, warm skin.

Coat color

Their skin varies in shades of black, gray, or brown, with lighter or darker variations.

Living environment

They adapt well to indoor living but need regular outdoor exercise.


Affectionate and friendly, they are good with children and other pets.


Generally healthy, but prone to skin sensitivities and dental issues.


Intelligent and easy to train with gentle, consistent methods.

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Physical characteristics

The Peruvian Hairless Dog, a rare and ancient beauty

The Peruvian Hairless Dog is sleek, hairless, and well-balanced with dark, mottled skin and expressive almond-shaped eyes.

Size and weight of the Peruvian Hairless Dog

a hairless Peruvian Dog lying on the ground

This breed varies in size: small (10-16 inches, 9-18 pounds), medium (16-20 inches, 18-26 pounds), and large (20-25 inches, 26-55 pounds). They reach their adult size by 12-18 months.

The coat of the Peruvian Hairless Dog

a Peruvian Hairless Dog sitting on a chair

Coat length

The Peruvian Hairless Dog is most commonly known for its lack of fur, giving it its distinctive appearance. However, some dogs may have small patches of short, soft hair located on areas such as the head, feet, or tail. These hair patches are typically fine in texture and minimal in coverage, contributing to their unique, sleek look.

Coat color

Their skin can come in a variety of shades, including black, gray, and brown. These colors often have lighter or darker variations, creating an interesting contrast across the dog's body. In some cases, their skin may also exhibit mottled or spotted patterns, adding further visual diversity to their already striking appearance.

a Peruvian Hairless Dog curled up on itself

Coat care

Their skin can come in a variety of shades, including black, gray, and brown. These colors often have lighter or darker variations, creating an interesting contrast across the dog's body. In some cases, their skin may also exhibit mottled or spotted patterns, adding further visual diversity to their already striking appearance.

Other characteristics of the Peruvian Hairless Dog

a hairless Peruvian Dog walking

Physical features

The Peruvian Hairless Dog is a sleek and well-proportioned breed with an elegant, athletic build. Its moderately rounded head, almond-shaped eyes in shades of brown or amber, and large, upright ears give it a keen and alert appearance. With a lean, muscular body, this breed showcases natural agility and grace, making it both visually striking and capable of swift movements and endurance.

Temperament & behavior

What is the temperament of the Peruvian Hairless Dog?

The Peruvian Hairless Dog is loyal, affectionate, and protective, forming close bonds with its family.

Peruvian Hairless Dog category

two Peruvian Hairless dogs having fun together

With over 400 breeds classified into 10 groups, the Peruvian Hairless Dog belongs to the primitive and hunting group. Known for its intelligence, agility, and loyalty, this breed was originally bred for companionship and small game hunting, excelling in both roles with sharp instincts and a strong bond to its owner.

Behavior of the Peruvian Hairless Dog

a Peruvian Hairless Dog running in the grass

A loyal companion

The Peruvian Hairless Dog is a deeply affectionate breed that thrives on close bonds with its owner. Known for their loyalty, they seek constant companionship and are happiest when receiving plenty of attention. These dogs need a caring, present owner who provides emotional support and security, as they can become anxious without regular interaction.

a Peruvian Hairless Dog playing with a toy

A sociable friend

Friendly and gentle, Peruvian Hairless Dogs are excellent with people, other pets, and children, making them wonderful family companions. Their affectionate nature allows them to form strong bonds, but early socialization is essential to ensure they grow into well-adjusted, confident dogs. With proper socialization, they adapt easily to various environments and interactions.

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The Peruvian Hairless Dog's living environment

a Peruvian Hairless dog in the forest

Adaptable and attentive

The Peruvian Hairless Dog adapts well to both apartments and houses, making it a flexible choice for different living situations. However, they require daily attention and at least two 30-minute walks to maintain their physical and mental health. These dogs thrive when they receive regular exercise and companionship, helping them stay content and well-behaved in any environment.

Outdoor exploration

While adaptable to indoor living, Peruvian Hairless Dogs thrive when given access to outdoor spaces where they can explore, satisfy their curiosity, and expend energy. Regular time outdoors helps keep them mentally stimulated and physically active, which is essential for their overall well-being.

Training the Peruvian Hairless Dog

a Peruvian Hairless Dog on a leash

Quick learner

The Peruvian Hairless Dog is highly intelligent and responds exceptionally well to positive reinforcement training methods. Their eagerness to please makes them quick learners, but they can be curious and independent at times. To ensure their safety during outdoor activities or off-leash walks, it's recommended to use a GPS collar, as their curiosity may sometimes lead to unexpected escapes.

a small Peruvian Hairless Dog being trained

Attentive and sensitive

These dogs are highly attentive but can be sensitive, making them best suited to gentle, consistent training methods. Early socialization is crucial to help them build confidence and adapt to different environments. With patience and positive reinforcement, they thrive and develop into well-mannered, affectionate companions.

Health & nutrition

How to take care of the Peruvian Hairless Dog

The Peruvian Hairless Dog is generally healthy, but daily skin care is vital to prevent infections and irritation.

The health of the Peruvian Hairless Dog

portrait of a Peruvian Hairless Dog


The Peruvian Hairless Dog is generally robust but can be prone to skin issues such as dryness, sunburn, and irritation due to their lack of fur. They may also experience dental problems, including missing or weak teeth. With proper care, including skin protection and dental hygiene, they typically enjoy a lifespan of 12 to 14 years.

a Peruvian Hairless Dog with something in its mouth

Routine care

Regular vet visits for vaccinations, parasite control, and health check-ups are essential for maintaining the Peruvian Hairless Dog's well-being. Due to their lack of fur, daily skin moisturizing and regular baths are necessary to prevent dryness and irritation. Proper dental care is also important to address their tendency toward dental issues. While not hypoallergenic, this breed may have skin allergies that require careful management and consultation with a vet.

Feeding the Peruvian Hairless Dog

a Peruvian Hairless Dog looking

Daily requirements

The Peruvian Hairless Dog requires a balanced diet that is high in protein and vitamins to support their overall health and energy levels. Premium kibble is recommended as a strong dietary foundation, and you can supplement with lean meats such as chicken or fish to boost their protein intake. However, it’s important to limit fats in their diet to prevent weight gain and maintain optimal health.

Breeding or adoption & cost

What does a Peruvian Hairless Dog cost?

The Peruvian Hairless Dog is well-regarded, but breeders may be limited. It's important to consider several factors before adopting.

How to choose your Peruvian Hairless Dog

a Peruvian Hairless Dog jumping off a table

Finding the right breeder

Before adopting a Peruvian Hairles Dog, there are some important points to consider. First and foremost, you need to check that the breeder is reputable. This means visiting the breeder's premises to assess the living conditions and behavior of the dogs. Responsible breeders will provide transparent information about the puppy's health and any genetic illnesses in its lineage.

Lastly, mandatory electronic identification, like microchipping, is not always mandated at the federal level in the United States for cats and dogs. But microchipping is widely acknowledged as a successful way to permanently identify pets and increase the possibility of reuniting lost pets with their owners, even in the absence of universal regulations. As a pet owner, it is advised to inform yourself about municipal laws to ensure the safety and wellbeing of your pet.

a Peruvian Hairless Dog walking in the grass

The price of a Peruvian Hairless Dog

A Peruvian Hairless Dog typically costs between


Annual upkeep, including food and vet care, is around



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