Chapter 7

How to create a missing cat or dog poster

If your cat or dog goes missing, one of the most effective ways to find them is to create a missing cat or dog poster. A missing cat or dog poster is a flyer that you can print and distribute in your area to alert people about your lost pet.

lost cat poster

Reading time : 5 min

A lost pet poster can help you reach out to potential witnesses, finders, or helpers who may have seen or know something about your pet. In this article, we'll guide you on how to create a missing cat or dog poster that can help you reunite with your pet as soon as possible.


Essential details to include in a missing cat or dog poster

A couple putting a lost dog poster on a tree

Every missing dog or cat poster should include a few details at minimum:

  • A clear and recent photo of your pet: This is the most important element of your poster, as it can help people recognize your pet. You should use a close-up photo that shows your pet's face and body, and that has good lighting and resolution. It seems simple, but we've seen them all too often: avoid using photos that are blurry, dark, cropped, or have filters or stickers. You should also avoid using photos that show your pet wearing a collar, harness, or clothing, as they may have lost them when they went missing.
  • The word "LOST" or "MISSING" in giant, bold letters: This is the second most important element of your poster, as it can catch people's attention and convey the urgency of your situation. You should use a basic font like Arial that is easy to read and stands out from the background. You should also use a color that contrasts with the photo and the background: black on white is fine, but remember color is best for the pet's photo for easier identification.
  • Your pet's name, breed, color, size, age, gender, and any distinctive features or markings: This way, people can more easily distinguish your pet from others that may look similar. You should use a font that is smaller than the word "LOST" or "MISSING" but still large enough to be seen from a distance. You can incorporate bullet points or commas to separate the different details of your pet. Include any information that makes your pet unique: scars, spots, patches, tattoos, microchips, medical conditions, and more.
  • Fourthly, mention when and where you last saw your pet. This enables people to narrow down the search area. Here, you can specify the date and time you last saw your pet as well as the address or intersection where you lost them. Might you have any idea of the direction or distance they may have traveled? This can help with choosing where you place the posters.
  • Last but of course not least: how can help people reach out to you if they have any information about your pet? Include your phone number and email address, and optionally, your name. You can also propose a reward offer if you have one.

On the design side

A women creating a lost pet poster on her computer

A missing cat or dog poster should have a simple and clear design that conveys the information effectively. Here are some tips on how to design a missing cat or dog poster:

  • Use a standard letter size paper (8.5 x 11 inches) for printing: This is the most common paper size that can fit most printers and flyers boards. You can also use larger paper sizes if you want to make bigger posters.
  • Use a white or light-colored background: This can help make your photo and text more visible and readable. You can also use a solid color background that matches your pet's color scheme.
  • A crucial point: if you're posting your poster outdoors, you'll need to laminate it to protect it from humidity and sunlight. You can do this at most office supply stores and even use wide transparent tape in a cinch.
  • DON'T: cover your lost pet with useless, Snapchat-style graphics or icons such as text balloons, emojis, or clip art. These will only be distracting and irrelevant.

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How to distribute a missing cat or dog poster

A missing dog poster on a tree

A missing cat or dog poster can only help you find your pet if people see it. Here are some tips on places to post your missing cat or dog poster:

  • Print multiple copies of your poster: You should print as many copies of your poster as you can afford and need. You can print them at home, at a local print shop, or at an online service. You can also ask your friends and family to help you print more copies.
  • Post your poster in high-traffic and visible locations: You should post your poster in places where people are likely to see it and pay attention to it, such as bulletin boards, poles, fences, windows, doors, mailboxes, cars, buses, trains, or bikes. If you live in a rural area, choose a frequently visited intersection.
  • You should also post your poster in places where your pet may have been seen or found, such as parks, trails, schools, shops, vet clinics, shelters, rescues, or animal control. Of course, ask for permission before posting your poster on private property or businesses.

Banish the worry of a lost pet with high-tech help

A missing dog poster hang on a tree

Say goodbye to the stress of losing your furry friend once and all with a gadget designed to keep tabs on them: the GPS tracker for cats and dogs. This compact, unobtrusive device effortlessly attaches to your pet's collar, providing real-time location updates without any range restrictions.

Wave farewell to frantic pet searches and embrace peace of mind knowing your beloved companion's whereabouts at all times. As an added bonus, the GPS tracker also features a recall function, which—much like a "clicker"—relies on positive reinforcement. With a simple activation of the buzzer or vibrating mode, your pet will eagerly return home for a well-deserved treat.


A missing cat or dog poster is a flyer that you can print and distribute in your area to alert people about your lost pet. A missing cat or dog poster should include a clear and recent photo of your pet: the word "LOST" or "MISSING" in large and bold letters; your pet's name, breed, color, size, age, gender, and any distinctive features or markings; when and where you last saw your pet; and how to contact you if someone has any information. A missing cat or dog poster should have a simple and clear design that can convey the information effectively. You should distribute your poster widely and strategically in your area and online, update and remove your poster when necessary. By creating and distributing a missing cat or dog poster, you can increase the chances of reuniting with your pet as soon as possible.

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